Author: P2P
This time of year a lot of people and organizations think hard about where or who to give  to.
The altruistic thoughts and actions of the people out there are truly warming. Â It’s difficult. Â Times are tough. Â Businesses as well as people are working harder and longer every day just to make ends meet.
That’s why we at P2P are consistently surprised to find dollars and silver in the donation jar, time provided in the shop and the larger donations provided at the register.
It’s the latter I’d to address here.
One day as we were working on paperwork from the Shop we noticed a $200 donation from Brad B. from Seven2 Interactive. Â Whoa! Â Then, the next day there was ANOTHER $200 from Bradley. Â Holy Smokes!
We had to do a little bit of searching but finally found him. Â Let’s say here that Seven2 seems like a pretty dang good company. Â How many of us can say we work for or even know of a company that gives every one of it’s employees $400 give to the charity of their choice?
Then, after what very well may be the coolest company in the history of Spokane is done providing their o-so-dang awesome employees $400 to give to charities they get to to tell everyone about it. Â Here’s what Bradley had to say and Pedals2People is saying here….
Thank you Bradley and thank you Seven2 Interactive!
Happy Holidays!
This tree was thinned from the woods near my home. The 2nd and 3rd growth came in, and the thick stands of young trees compete for water, nutrients, and light. I thin around the largest and strongest trees and that allows them to grow straight and tall. This little cutting makes a cheerful addition to the showroom, especially after Drew decorated it with little chrome and steel bike springs! Happy Holidays everyone!
Tired of Volunteering at the Rendering Plant? AKA: P2P Needs a Treasurer
Are you tired of the heat, smell and just plain ‘ole heinousness of the rendering plant?
Come volunteer with us!
P2P is in need of a Treasurer.
Duties include reconcilation of deposits and withdraws via Quickbooks on-line, attending the monthly P2P board meetings (2nd Monday of the Month from noon till 1).
Bonuses include but are not limited to; hanging with a group of fun bicyclists, a good sense of self worth, free access to the bike shop,
Sometimes It Can Be Pretty Difficult
I love bike riding, I really do. That can be evident by the fact that almost all my friends are bike riders, I volunteer for P2P and go to bike events throughout town when I can.
But today was an odd day. I just didn’t feel like riding.  It was a chore to put on the gear for the (what seemed like) grueling 2-mile ride to work this morning.
I thought that once I was out the door and on the road I’d feel better. The cool wind on my face and freedom of being on the bike would loosen me up.
But it wasn’t so. I just never got my Groove on. It felt odd. I’m not sure what it was and the whole way in I honestly waited for it. Expected it to appear. That magical moment when we go, “ahhh, I LOVE this.”
Instead it was, “ugh, wheeze, puff.”
It wasn’t the weather, I’m one of those odd fellows that the more inclement the weather, the more I enjoy it. “Hey! Look at me! I’m crazy enough to be riding on glare ice at -10 below.” It wasn’t the hour. I ride around 6:30am on a regular basis. I’m not sick.
So what was it? Do you ever lose your Groove?
Till later,
Jacque – Out
P.S. The ride home was much better. Even though I spent 8-hours on my feet taking care of sick and injured people in an emergency room and was pretty tired, I got my Groove on almost as soon as I jumped on the bike. It was still a chore to put the gear on though. But the ride was way worth it.
An Odd Way of Thinking
Felicitations fellow bicyclists!
Now that I’ve got ya’ll thinking that I’m some sort of British Aristocrat, feel free to read on as I quickly remove that thought from your mind.
Some of you may may know me from FBC rides, Wheels and Deals yard sale rides, my old blog or maybe we’ve just had a conversation at someones house where we met. Â Spokane is after all, a rather small(ish) town.
Anyway, my name is Jacque (Jack) Hendrix. Â The new President of P2P. Â I’ll be continuing the brave mission began by Liza Mattana and John Spear. Â To spread the word of the bicycle, make repairs learn-able and easy and assist our community with safe, fun and sustainable modes of transportation.
Now, on to the title of this post…..
The other day I walked down the street to represent us (P2P) at the South Perry Business and Neighborhood Association meeting. Â Upon arrival, it was determined that I’m a knucklehead and didn’t note that there was no meeting this month.
During the walk back home in the 19 degree weather I was thinking, “What will I do with this extra 2 1/2 hours before “The Girl” gets home?” Â Not being used to such free time, I was at a bit of a loss. Â A number of my options involved getting in my vehicle and driving somewhere. Â All of which ended up with, “It’s too cold, I don’t want to sit inside a cold car.” Â But oddly enough, the thought of getting on my bike and riding somewhere sounded just fine to me.
This is just how I think. Â My mind really does tend to wander. Â It’ll start on one tract, follow that thread till something else….
Where were we? Â Â Oh well,
Till later,
Jacque – Out
P.S. Â I ended up at my computer writing this Blog Post drinking a hot chocolate and occasionally throwing the cloth frisbee for across the house for the dog.
Saturday, December 3rd Grand Opening!
Pedals2People is having its Grand Opening of the new shop at 1527 East 16th Avenue. The celebration at the shop starts at 2:00 pm and will continue at least until the shop closes at 6:00 pm. Drop in for food, drink, fun, and to check out our larger, more spacious abode.
New Board President- Jacque Hendrix!
P2P is happy to announce that we have a new board president! Jacque is a long-time supporter and volunteer of Pedals, going back to our early garage days in 2007. He’s an EMT and lover of biking and the outdoors.
As the new prez, Jacque is excited to help people get bikes and to learn to  ride and maintain them. Look for him riding around town this winter!
Soft Opening this Thursday, GRAND Opening, Dec 3rd
Oh yeah, this is really happening. The shop has been lovingly put back together (thanks Corey, David and Erik) and will be ready for you this Thursday.
Look for more details on our Grand Opening Event to come soon.