(Go here to open pdf/printable version of this picture in a new window. Print a flyer and hang one in your neighborhood!)
This is an idea we’ve been thinking about for a while: how do we get a bunch of cyclists to go and hang out on a Sunday afternoon.
The idea struck when Taylor posted a YouTube video of Paris-Roubaix 1986 finish at the EPM blog.
While we’re not big race fans, the idea of Paris-Roubaix has always had a draw: it’s a one-day race along the cobblestone back roads of France. It’s a brutal race. Something like 135 cyclists started the race last year and around 40 ended up finishing. It’s often muddy, lots of flat tires, and the finish is always exciting.
Chris, up at Benniditos, has agreed to show this race for us on his fancy new big TVs on April 20th, when the race airs.
The idea is to get as many people on bikes to Benniditos as we can. The pizza, beer, and race is a generic draw to get cyclist there. But really, we’re looking forward to hanging out with the wide variety of bike folks that we run into. Think of it as a Bike Summit.
There’s no cover charge or any fee. Just order lots of beer and pizza and if Chris does well, he’ll donate a chunk to P2P.
You are encouraged to gather your friends and take a ride along some cobble stone (from downtown, take Jefferson,then Adams up the south hill to meet this requirement) and be at Benniditos by 1PM.
When that’s done,go home and take a nap, or save some energy for the monthly FBC ride, which is also happening on April 20th.
A great bike day through and through.